Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rik burns lip acting like John Davidson

Rik talked about how, as a 5th grader, he burned his lip when he was acting like John Davidson - pretending the lamp was a microphone. In honor of this, here's some John Davidson singing a duet with Julie Andrews.

A couple quick tips on when you can't just say "NO"


--TELL YOUR BOSS . . . "I'm flattered, but I'm just not in a situation where I can take on the extra responsibility. Can we talk again if my situation changes?"

--IT WORKS BECAUSE . . . Your boss will understand that your personal life is a priority.


--TELL YOUR FRIEND . . . "I just don't have the time this year. Is there any chance one of the other parents can help out?"

--IT WORKS BECAUSE . . . You're clear and honest. If you've already done your fair share, it's okay to let someone else step up.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bill Cosby - Insane!

Bill Cosby at a recent college football game acting his silly self... but at his age we don't know if he's senile or trying to be funny - either way, try watching this clip and try not to laugh.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Trick or Treating tips

Straight from the Kennewick Police Dept.

• CHOOSE bright, flame-retardant costumes or add reflective tape to costumes and candy bags so children are easily seen in the dark. In addition, carry a glow stick or flashlight.

• PLAN a trick-or-treating route in familiar neighborhoods with well-lit streets. Avoid unfamiliar neighborhoods, streets that are isolated, or homes that are poorly lit inside or outside.

• NEVER send young children out alone. They should always be accompanied by a parent or another trusted adult. Older children should always travel in groups.

• ALWAYS walk younger children to the door to receive treats and don’t let children enter a home unless you are with them.
• DISCUSS basic pedestrian safety rules that children should use when walking to and from houses.

• MAKE sure children know their home phone number and address in case you get separated. Teach children how to call 911 in an emergency.

• REMIND children to remain alert and report suspicious incidents to parents and/or law enforcement.

• Wait and children eat their candy after they are home and you can inspect it in a well-lighted place. One way to keep them from eating candy on the go is to feed them a meal or snack beforehand.

• DON’T eat unopened candies and other treats that are in original wrappers and inspect fruit and homemade goodies for anything suspicious. Remind children not to eat everything at once or they’ll be feeling pretty ghoulish for awhile!

Last, parents and children can avoid trick-or-treating trouble entirely by organizing a home or community party as an alternative to “trick-or-treating.”

Gwen Stefani as an egg

GWEN STEFANI and GAVIN ROSSDALE went to a Halloween party over the weekend . . . in one of those cheesy matching "couples costumes". He was bacon. She was an egg. ~gag!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

John's scariest movie scene

John: I couldn't tell you my scariest movie of all time is, but I can say that this scene in Superman 3 where the lady turns into a robot was traumatizing for me when I was younger.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Woman arrested for killing online ex-hubby

A 43-year-old woman from Miyazaki, Japan (--in the southern part of the country), learned that her 33-year-old "husband" was planning to divorce her. So, to get revenge . . . she KILLED the guy. Sort of.

"Maple Story", they were married to each other.

And the woman didn't ACTUALLY kill the guy. She just killed off his avatar in the video game. Anyway, on Wednesday, the woman was arrested for illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data, because she used the guy's login information to gain access to his "Maple Story" account . . . in order to kill off his character.

According to the police, the woman hasn't been formally charged yet. But if she's convicted, she could be fined up to $5,000 . . . or get FIVE YEARS in prison

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pop-Up "Rik"eo: How many members are in "Outfield"?

Answer, 3
Answer according to this video? 5 or 6

click here to see the video

Pop-Up "Rik"eo. Too Many Keyboardists

A new feature to Rik & John in the morning... we'll post a video and Rik will give you a little info about the group or video from his vast knowledge of 80s music.

Chigaco - You're the Inspiration
How many keyboardists does Chicago need!!

Toto - 99
Same with Toto? Too many keyboardists

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How much caffeine to kill ya?

Here are a few items and how much it would take to die of a caffeine overdose

--13,000 Hershey's Kisses

--383 bottles of Nestea Iced Tea

--378 cans of Coke

--237 cans of Mountain Dew

--163 cans of Red Bull

--90 cups of coffee. to find your own

Monday, October 20, 2008

Catchiest songs of all time

#1. Rihanna - Umbrella
#2. ABBA - Dancing Queen
#3. The Village People - Y.M.C.A.
#4. Dexys Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen
#5. Kylie Minogue - Can't Get You Out of My Head

What do you think? leave a comment and let us know what your catchiest song of all time is.

Sarah Palin on SNL!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

CRAZY talent with a violin

can you recognize both songs?

and all the stuff we talked about

What do you want?