Friday, February 27, 2009

New children's book about too much video games

the book 'Sofa Boy' just came out today. It's a story that cautions young people about playing video games in moderation. It's nice because this book was writting by a Video Game producer!

Maybe John should pick up this book. Not for his kids, but for himself.

Friday, February 13, 2009


#1.) REMEMBER, YOU'RE NOT ALONE. There are a lot of other single people out there. In the United States alone, 90 million people over the age of 18 still haven't taken the plunge, so don't be too hard on yourself.

#2.) DON'T STAY IN. A lot of people sit on the couch feeling sorry for themselves on Valentine's Day, so make sure you have something to do. It falls on a Saturday this year, so rest assured, tons of other single people will be out and about tomorrow night.

#3.) REALIZE IT'S A COMMERCIAL HOLIDAY. Valentine's Day isn't really about love . . . it's about MONEY. Even with the struggling economy, American's are still expected to spend over $14 BILLION this year.

#4.) SPEND TIME WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY. If you surround yourself with people who care about you, you'll be less likely to get depressed. So have your single friends over for dinner, or go see a movie with Mom.

#5.) TREAT YOURSELF. Just because you're single doesn't mean you can't enjoy the perks of Valentine's Day. Schedule a spa treatment, go get a massage or buy yourself something you normally wouldn't. Use tomorrow as a chance to take care of yourself.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Jenny, are you there?

Someone called all of the 867-5309 with area codes to see what he'd get...

click here for the results

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


#1.) WHAT DOES YOUR COMPANY DO? Thanks to the Internet, you're now expected to research any company you're interviewing with BEFORE setting foot in the door. At the very least, you should know what the company does and who its competitors are.

#2.) ARE YOU GOING TO DO A BACKGROUND CHECK? Some people are just worried about credit issues, but asking if there will be a background check makes it look like you have something to hide. And let's be honest . . . if you're asking, you probably DO.

#3.) WHEN WILL I GET A RAISE? Employers won't hire you if they think you'll immediately start looking for a higher-paying job somewhere else. So wait until your second interview, and then ask if the company does a conventional one-year salary review.

#4.) ARE THERE ANY BETTER JOBS AVAILABLE? If you're overqualified, it's okay to talk about it. But don't take yourself out of the running for the job you applied for. Instead, explain that you made more at your last job, or that you had more responsibility.

--That's the cue for a good interviewer to highlight any other job openings that might exist.

#5.) HOW SOON CAN I TRANSFER TO ANOTHER POSITION? It's another way of saying the job's not quite what you want. If you want the job, take it. If it's not right, then look for another opportunity. Most employers wait at least a year before approving a transfer.

#6.) CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT THE BUS LINES TO YOUR OFFICE? Go online and research it for yourself. It's not your employer's responsibility to figure out how you get to work each day . . . and asking this question just makes you look stupid.

#7.) DO YOU ALLOW SMOKING BREAKS? A lot of companies don't permit smoking anywhere on the premises . . . and some don't like to hire smokers at all. So don't ask about it. You'll just end up giving them a reason to hire someone else.

#8.) IS MY MEDICAL CONDITION COVERED UNDER YOU INSURANCE? This is a bad question for two reasons . . .

--ONE: It's weird to tell a perfect stranger about your medical issues . . . especially someone who's thinking of hiring you . . .

--And TWO: They won't know. Any pre-existing conditions probably won't be covered for at least a year, so don't worry about it until they've offered you the job. Then just ask to see a copy of the company's benefits booklet.

#9.) WILL I HAVE TO TAKE A DRUG TEST? If you have a philosophical objection to drug tests, wait until they ask you to take one before bringing it up. Otherwise, it sounds like you think you'd fail a drug test if you had to take one. So don't ask.

#10.) IF YOU HIRE ME, CAN I START IN A MONTH? Most employers expect you to start in two weeks, and they might even ask you to start sooner. Regardless, a late start-date should be requested AFTER you've been offered the job, not during your interview.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Miley Cyrus doing the 'asian eye' thing

Oh, C'mon Miley! That ain't cool!... looks like the others are doing it as well... That's her 20 year old boyfriend she's sitting on the lap of, BTW

Simon Cowell as a 19 year old

Wanna see what Simon used to look like?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Rik's new favorite commercial

Fred Schneider of B-52's writing a childrens book

Yeah, the guy from B-52's is writing a children's book. The creepy title, so far, is "Pettting Zoo Horor." Here's a quick clip from it

"The day turned steel gray, and a chill descended upon Twinkletown Petting Zoo. Suddenly, all the children started screaming. Not their usual obnoxious screams, this was different and very ominous."

and all the stuff we talked about

What do you want?