Friday, December 5, 2008

5 fights this holiday season

#1.) WHY'D YOU DITCH ME AT THAT PARTY? If one of you is more clingy than the other, this question is bound to be asked. Holiday parties don't always involve mutual friends, and if one of you runs off, the other person might feel abandoned.

--So, if you're at a party with just YOUR friends and family, make sure everyone's relaxed and having fun before you leave your date on their own . . . and even then, don't wander far.

#2.) WHY ARE YOU DIFFERENT AROUND YOUR FAMILY? If he's acting strange, he's probably not even aware of it. People often revert back to their childhood personalities when they're around family, so bring it up gently. And DON'T call him a "mama's boy".

#3.) WHY DO WE ALWAYS SPEND THE HOLIDAYS WITH YOUR FAMILY? If you've both ALWAYS spent the holidays at home, there's bound to be a fight. So make sure things even out. Decide which holidays are most important to each of you, and compromise.

--If you try to hog every holiday, he'll end up resenting you . . . and so will his family.

#4.) WHY DO I DO ALL THE SHOPPING? Guys often get to stay in kid mode during the holidays while women shoulder the burden. One reason . . . guys HATE to shop. But don't let him off the hook. Make a list and divvy stuff up, or spend a few hours shopping together online.

#5.) YOU NEVER GET ME THE GIFT I HINTED AT. Guys never know what women are thinking, so why would the holidays be any different? If you want something, don't drop hints. Just TELL him. Getting what you want is better than being surprised by something you hate.

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and all the stuff we talked about

What do you want?