Thursday, January 8, 2009


A lot of people are ALREADY worried that they won't live up to their New Year's weight-loss resolutions. So if you want to get healthy in 2009 without losing hope, here are four little changes that will help you get there . . .

#1.) STOP SAYING YOU'RE "ON A DIET". Instead, think of it as eating in MODERATION. If you eat what you WANT . . . but just not as much of it . . . you're less likely to fall off the wagon and more likely to really lose weight.

#2.) DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER A DAY. When you feel like eating a bag of chips or a box of cookies, have a tall cold drink of water instead. Your brain actually sends the same signals for FOOD as it does when it wants water.

--Drinking eight glasses each day makes your skin more vibrant and helps you shed pounds. Plus, if you make water your drink of choice, you're less likely to consume all those empty calories found in soda and fruit juice.

#3.) CHANGE THE POTATOES YOU EAT. If you sub in sweet potatoes for the regular old white variety, you'll cut tons of sugar and starch out of your diet. Bake them, boil them, mash them or even make French fries. You'll still enjoy the health benefits.

#4.) CHANGE THE CLOTHES YOU WEAR. You won't realize you're gaining weight if your clothes ALWAYS fit, so stop buying those pants with elastic waistbands. Remember, you're not a kid, so don't buy clothes you'll eventually grow INTO.

--Instead, buy stuff that fits, and then be proud when you need to have it taken in.

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and all the stuff we talked about

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