Monday, April 27, 2009

What is Swine Flu?! Q&A

#1.) What is swine flu and how do you get it?
Swine flu is a respiratory disease caused by the Influenza virus . . . also known as the flu . . . that's common in pigs. People can become infected with swine flu by interacting with infected pigs or with other people who are infected . . . but it's pretty rare.

--You CANNOT contract swine flu by eating infected pork.

#2.) How many people are infected with swine flu?
--As of last night, 20 cases of swine flu had been detected in five U.S. states . . . California, Texas, New York, Ohio and Kansas. Only one of those people required hospitalization.

--In Mexico, where the outbreak started, more than 1,600 swine flu cases have been detected . . . and 103 people have died. Swine flu infections have also been reported in Canada, Israel, Spain, France, Colombia and New Zealand . . . but not yet confirmed.

#3.) What happens when you get swine flu?
--The symptoms of swine flu are similar to regular flu symptoms . . . including fever, coughing, loss of energy and lack of appetite. Some people also get a runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

#4.) How likely is it that swine flu will turn into a pandemic?
--According to the World Health Organization, swine flu is NOT a pandemic . . . meaning a worldwide epidemic . . . because there haven't been that many cases, relatively speaking. And the cases that have been detected have been pretty isolated.

--That said, viruses can be unpredictable . . . and officials still don't know all that much about this particular strain. It could become a pandemic . . . or it could go away in a matter of days. They just don't know.

#5.) How likely are you to DIE if you get swine flu?
--Not that likely. But just to be safe, the federal government has released roughly 12 MILLION doses of the antiviral drug Tamiflu.

#6.) Why is everyone so worried about swine flu?
--Because people worry about EVERYTHING they don't understand. Since we don't know that much about swine flu, people are losing their ever-loving minds over it. You should know this by now.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tony Soprano on American Idol

Well, not really, but KC (from KC and the Sunshine Band) came out on stage during American Idol. John thought he looked like Tony Soprano. John's wife asked "What's Mr. Belding doing there?"


A 5-year-old student at Apple Valley Elementary in Yakima headed home on the bus with more than books in his backpack. Inside was a smelly package his father never imagined he'd be toting around.

"I'm still kind of in shock over this, because why would somebody do this? It's disgusting!" said the boy's father, who wished to be identified only as "Jason."

Jason says his son's kindergarten teacher had bagged up a piece of human feces and stuck it in his son's backpack. His wife found the stinky mess.

"She found a clear plastic bag with a piece of fecal matter wrapped up in a brown paper towel with the note on it," he said.

The note read, "This little turd was on the floor in my room."

Jason says his son's teacher, Mrs. Graham, called last Friday and said her classroom was "stinky." She asked if the boy could have had an accident.

Jason acknowledged the possibility, as his son had had a couple of accidents in the classroom in the past. He told Mrs. Graham there were extra clothes in his backpack.

Jason never imagined the teacher would send his son home with evidence of his accident.

After his wife found the bagged mess, Jason e-mailed school officials. Days later, he received a response apologizing for the delay in dealing with the issue. On Tuesday, he was still waiting for a chance to speak to school officials about the incident.

"What would have happened if it had stayed in there and she hadn't checked the bag? And other kids were playing on the bus and it got out? And it's a very hazardous thing. It's disgusting!"

The school's superintendent said the boy's teacher and the school principal are being questioned. School officials said they'll meet with Jason and his wife next week.

In the meantime, Jason wants his son placed in a different teacher's classroom for the remainder of the school year.

News Source:

Thursday, April 16, 2009


#10.) Body piercing: It might seem cool to have crazy stuff sticking out of your face when you're 22. But when you're 42, and you have a half-inch ring stretching your earlobes, you'll feel like a moron at a business meeting . . . if you can get a job where there are business meetings.

#9.) Sexy Internet photos: Here's a scenario for you . . . 20 years from now, your kids are surfing the Interweb, and they stumble across pictures of YOU, their mother, doing body shots off a random, sweaty Latin guy. Need I say more?

#8.) Tattoos: Remember how much you loved "Sesame Street" . . . before you got older and outgrew it? Well, that's how you're going to feel in 20 years about all the stuff you like now. Think about that before you run out and get your next tat

#7.) Choosing the "ho" over the "bro": Yes, she was smoking hot . . . and she actually let you have sex with her. But when she cheats on you in 20 years, you're going to wish you'd chosen your buddy . . . who is now long gone . . . over the slut.

#6.) Getting married too young: You can get married any time. But your days of violating 20-something ladies who still groom their down-there hair has a shelf life. So you might as well live a little . . . before you throw it all away.

#5.) Not traveling enough: It's hard to travel in your 20s . . . because you're so poor. But do you really think it's going to be any easier when you're 40 with three kids, two mortgages . . . and a 50-hour-a-week job? Don't fool yourself.

#4.) Not finishing school: You thought you were smart pulling down a fat paycheck while your friends were paying off student loans. But you won't feel so smart when you're still making the same amount at 45 . . . and your friends are cruising around in new BMWs.

#3.) Smoking: It's the coolest thing in the world when you're young. Too bad you may be dead by the time you're 50.

#2.) Bad credit: That 50-inch plasma TV was pretty sweet in your bachelor pad. But you won't think it's so sweet when you're still paying it off . . . in the year 2025.

#1.) Not spending more time with your parents: Hanging out with your parents isn't that hip when you're 20. But let's face it: Your parents love you WAY more than they should, they're always there for you . . . and they aren't going to be around forever.

and all the stuff we talked about

What do you want?