Thursday, April 16, 2009


#10.) Body piercing: It might seem cool to have crazy stuff sticking out of your face when you're 22. But when you're 42, and you have a half-inch ring stretching your earlobes, you'll feel like a moron at a business meeting . . . if you can get a job where there are business meetings.

#9.) Sexy Internet photos: Here's a scenario for you . . . 20 years from now, your kids are surfing the Interweb, and they stumble across pictures of YOU, their mother, doing body shots off a random, sweaty Latin guy. Need I say more?

#8.) Tattoos: Remember how much you loved "Sesame Street" . . . before you got older and outgrew it? Well, that's how you're going to feel in 20 years about all the stuff you like now. Think about that before you run out and get your next tat

#7.) Choosing the "ho" over the "bro": Yes, she was smoking hot . . . and she actually let you have sex with her. But when she cheats on you in 20 years, you're going to wish you'd chosen your buddy . . . who is now long gone . . . over the slut.

#6.) Getting married too young: You can get married any time. But your days of violating 20-something ladies who still groom their down-there hair has a shelf life. So you might as well live a little . . . before you throw it all away.

#5.) Not traveling enough: It's hard to travel in your 20s . . . because you're so poor. But do you really think it's going to be any easier when you're 40 with three kids, two mortgages . . . and a 50-hour-a-week job? Don't fool yourself.

#4.) Not finishing school: You thought you were smart pulling down a fat paycheck while your friends were paying off student loans. But you won't feel so smart when you're still making the same amount at 45 . . . and your friends are cruising around in new BMWs.

#3.) Smoking: It's the coolest thing in the world when you're young. Too bad you may be dead by the time you're 50.

#2.) Bad credit: That 50-inch plasma TV was pretty sweet in your bachelor pad. But you won't think it's so sweet when you're still paying it off . . . in the year 2025.

#1.) Not spending more time with your parents: Hanging out with your parents isn't that hip when you're 20. But let's face it: Your parents love you WAY more than they should, they're always there for you . . . and they aren't going to be around forever.

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