Friday, June 12, 2009

Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas share a jet ski

She was there shooting a movie. Are they back together?

Father comes back from Iraq and suprises her daughter at school

Thursday, June 4, 2009

4 ways to make MEN help around the house

1.) Have him do 'Man Chores'

This includes anything that's dangerous like climbing a ladder to clean the futters. Also anything where tools are required like pruning the bushes. Men like to do anything that gets obvious results. Plus, he gets to use a power tool.

2.) Trick him into doing housework.

Ask him to clean the bathroom so you don' thave to be around the "dangerous chemicals". Or if you let him pick out the new vacuum cleaner, that should spark his interest.

3.) Do chores together.

Yard work is good to do together - and men are better at working outdoors.

4.) Go on strike!

It's best used as a last resort, but if he doesn't appreciate what you do around the house, then show him what it's like if you DON'T do the cleaning

Thursday, May 7, 2009

We've all wanted to do this...

But you don't do this... it's okay to laugh though.

Ready to be creeped out

One of these girls is Hulk Hogan's daughter... the other is his girlfriend. Can you tell them apart?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Free KFC Meal!

Oprah, who's known for giving away the latest technology to her audience members on the air, is giving EVERYONE a free KFC meal with their new grilled chicken. Here's the link she told people to go to. Go there and print off your coupon - it only works through this month, though.


If you wanted to look stylish while scuba diving, I suppose

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Awkward Family Photos

Rik & John couldn't get enough of this website this morning. It's new so there aren't too many picutres yet, but if you have some, please upload them to make this site grow!
Nothing says "I love my kids" than Julia Roberts getting a lower back tattoo of her kid's names.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Just because you're not the most senior person at work DOESN'T mean you have to be the first to go when people start getting laid off. Here are five things you can do that will make you look a lot more valuable to your employer . . .

#1.) GO IN EARLY ONCE A WEEK. Get there before the boss does. If you can, get there before ANYONE does. It doesn't have to be the same day each week, and it doesn't have to be by much, but a little extra effort can go a long way.

#2.) STAY LATE ONCE A WEEK. Later than your boss, and later than everyone else too. Again, it's all about putting forth extra effort and making sure people notice. Stay on the office radar, and show them that you're a dedicated employee.

#3.) LOOK BUSY. If you have a desk job, it's not hard. Just don't get caught playing around on Facebook. If you're NOT at a desk job, then make sure you look like you have plenty to do, even it that means refolding the t-shirt display a million times a day.

#4.) BE BUSY. Take on extra work if you can. A few months ago, you might have thought to yourself, "Well, they don't pay me enough to do that." But when people start getting laid off, you need to be thankful that you're still getting paid at all.

#5.) EXPAND YOUR SKILL SET. Find something that isn't part of your job duties, and add it. You'll show your boss that you have skills above and beyond the ones he hired you for. And you'll look a lot better than your co-workers who are slacking off.

Monday, April 27, 2009

What is Swine Flu?! Q&A

#1.) What is swine flu and how do you get it?
Swine flu is a respiratory disease caused by the Influenza virus . . . also known as the flu . . . that's common in pigs. People can become infected with swine flu by interacting with infected pigs or with other people who are infected . . . but it's pretty rare.

--You CANNOT contract swine flu by eating infected pork.

#2.) How many people are infected with swine flu?
--As of last night, 20 cases of swine flu had been detected in five U.S. states . . . California, Texas, New York, Ohio and Kansas. Only one of those people required hospitalization.

--In Mexico, where the outbreak started, more than 1,600 swine flu cases have been detected . . . and 103 people have died. Swine flu infections have also been reported in Canada, Israel, Spain, France, Colombia and New Zealand . . . but not yet confirmed.

#3.) What happens when you get swine flu?
--The symptoms of swine flu are similar to regular flu symptoms . . . including fever, coughing, loss of energy and lack of appetite. Some people also get a runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

#4.) How likely is it that swine flu will turn into a pandemic?
--According to the World Health Organization, swine flu is NOT a pandemic . . . meaning a worldwide epidemic . . . because there haven't been that many cases, relatively speaking. And the cases that have been detected have been pretty isolated.

--That said, viruses can be unpredictable . . . and officials still don't know all that much about this particular strain. It could become a pandemic . . . or it could go away in a matter of days. They just don't know.

#5.) How likely are you to DIE if you get swine flu?
--Not that likely. But just to be safe, the federal government has released roughly 12 MILLION doses of the antiviral drug Tamiflu.

#6.) Why is everyone so worried about swine flu?
--Because people worry about EVERYTHING they don't understand. Since we don't know that much about swine flu, people are losing their ever-loving minds over it. You should know this by now.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tony Soprano on American Idol

Well, not really, but KC (from KC and the Sunshine Band) came out on stage during American Idol. John thought he looked like Tony Soprano. John's wife asked "What's Mr. Belding doing there?"


A 5-year-old student at Apple Valley Elementary in Yakima headed home on the bus with more than books in his backpack. Inside was a smelly package his father never imagined he'd be toting around.

"I'm still kind of in shock over this, because why would somebody do this? It's disgusting!" said the boy's father, who wished to be identified only as "Jason."

Jason says his son's kindergarten teacher had bagged up a piece of human feces and stuck it in his son's backpack. His wife found the stinky mess.

"She found a clear plastic bag with a piece of fecal matter wrapped up in a brown paper towel with the note on it," he said.

The note read, "This little turd was on the floor in my room."

Jason says his son's teacher, Mrs. Graham, called last Friday and said her classroom was "stinky." She asked if the boy could have had an accident.

Jason acknowledged the possibility, as his son had had a couple of accidents in the classroom in the past. He told Mrs. Graham there were extra clothes in his backpack.

Jason never imagined the teacher would send his son home with evidence of his accident.

After his wife found the bagged mess, Jason e-mailed school officials. Days later, he received a response apologizing for the delay in dealing with the issue. On Tuesday, he was still waiting for a chance to speak to school officials about the incident.

"What would have happened if it had stayed in there and she hadn't checked the bag? And other kids were playing on the bus and it got out? And it's a very hazardous thing. It's disgusting!"

The school's superintendent said the boy's teacher and the school principal are being questioned. School officials said they'll meet with Jason and his wife next week.

In the meantime, Jason wants his son placed in a different teacher's classroom for the remainder of the school year.

News Source:

Thursday, April 16, 2009


#10.) Body piercing: It might seem cool to have crazy stuff sticking out of your face when you're 22. But when you're 42, and you have a half-inch ring stretching your earlobes, you'll feel like a moron at a business meeting . . . if you can get a job where there are business meetings.

#9.) Sexy Internet photos: Here's a scenario for you . . . 20 years from now, your kids are surfing the Interweb, and they stumble across pictures of YOU, their mother, doing body shots off a random, sweaty Latin guy. Need I say more?

#8.) Tattoos: Remember how much you loved "Sesame Street" . . . before you got older and outgrew it? Well, that's how you're going to feel in 20 years about all the stuff you like now. Think about that before you run out and get your next tat

#7.) Choosing the "ho" over the "bro": Yes, she was smoking hot . . . and she actually let you have sex with her. But when she cheats on you in 20 years, you're going to wish you'd chosen your buddy . . . who is now long gone . . . over the slut.

#6.) Getting married too young: You can get married any time. But your days of violating 20-something ladies who still groom their down-there hair has a shelf life. So you might as well live a little . . . before you throw it all away.

#5.) Not traveling enough: It's hard to travel in your 20s . . . because you're so poor. But do you really think it's going to be any easier when you're 40 with three kids, two mortgages . . . and a 50-hour-a-week job? Don't fool yourself.

#4.) Not finishing school: You thought you were smart pulling down a fat paycheck while your friends were paying off student loans. But you won't feel so smart when you're still making the same amount at 45 . . . and your friends are cruising around in new BMWs.

#3.) Smoking: It's the coolest thing in the world when you're young. Too bad you may be dead by the time you're 50.

#2.) Bad credit: That 50-inch plasma TV was pretty sweet in your bachelor pad. But you won't think it's so sweet when you're still paying it off . . . in the year 2025.

#1.) Not spending more time with your parents: Hanging out with your parents isn't that hip when you're 20. But let's face it: Your parents love you WAY more than they should, they're always there for you . . . and they aren't going to be around forever.

Monday, March 30, 2009

KFC fills potholes

As part of a new ad campaign, KFC in Louisville Kentucky is filling pot holes, then branding it to remind you who did it... Hopefully they'll start doing this around here!

Friday, March 20, 2009

The New Dora

As your kids grew up with Dora, Dora is growing up with them! Here's what Dora will look like as her middle-school 'tween'-self

Thursday, March 5, 2009


#1.) YOUR HOME PHONE. Cell phones have become indispensable, and it won't be long before landline phones are as dead as the telegraph. For most people, a home phone is actually a LUXURY ITEM, which is why it's an obvious expense to cut immediately.

#2.) iTUNES. Buying music and movies is extremely easy now. But instant gratification is always a recipe for overspending. If you buy two albums a month, that's $20 you could have spent on something you NEED. (--also, two words: illegal downloading).

#3.) NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. Reading news on the Internet isn't the same as reading the paper . . . but it's close. And it's a lot cheaper. Online news is the way of the future, so you might as well get used to it . . . and save some money.

#4.) BLAZINGLY FAST INTERNET. Cable, satellite and DSL have been ramping up the speed for the past few years, but having the fastest connection they offer probably isn't necessary . . . and downgrading could save your upwards of $40 a month.

#5.) THE INTERNET ON YOUR PHONE. If you need it for work, that's one thing. But if you're paying $50 a month just so you can check sports scores, it's probably time to reprioritize your monthly spending.

#6.) DIGITAL CABLE. If you're staying in and trying to spend less, then DON'T cancel your cable. You'll need SOMETHING to keep you from going crazy. But getting rid of premium channels and downgrading your cable package might be a good idea.

#7.) BARS THAT CHARGE A COVER. Drinks are already expensive, so if you ARE going out, steer clear of clubs and other places where you have to pay just to get in the door. They also tend to charge MORE for drinks than normal bars do.

#8.) FANCY DRINKS. Whether you're at a bar or picking something up at the liquor store, start being cheap. Top shelf liquor costs a lot more, but unless you're a true aficionado, you can't really tell the bad from the good once you mix it with something.

#9.) EXPENSIVE LUNCHES. Bringing a brown-bag lunch to work is something we think about doing . . . but never do. But if you're spending five dollars a day on lunch, five days a week, that's $100 a month.

--And don't try to pretend that bringing your lunch from home ends up costing the same as eating out . . . because it doesn't.

Friday, February 27, 2009

New children's book about too much video games

the book 'Sofa Boy' just came out today. It's a story that cautions young people about playing video games in moderation. It's nice because this book was writting by a Video Game producer!

Maybe John should pick up this book. Not for his kids, but for himself.

Friday, February 13, 2009


#1.) REMEMBER, YOU'RE NOT ALONE. There are a lot of other single people out there. In the United States alone, 90 million people over the age of 18 still haven't taken the plunge, so don't be too hard on yourself.

#2.) DON'T STAY IN. A lot of people sit on the couch feeling sorry for themselves on Valentine's Day, so make sure you have something to do. It falls on a Saturday this year, so rest assured, tons of other single people will be out and about tomorrow night.

#3.) REALIZE IT'S A COMMERCIAL HOLIDAY. Valentine's Day isn't really about love . . . it's about MONEY. Even with the struggling economy, American's are still expected to spend over $14 BILLION this year.

#4.) SPEND TIME WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY. If you surround yourself with people who care about you, you'll be less likely to get depressed. So have your single friends over for dinner, or go see a movie with Mom.

#5.) TREAT YOURSELF. Just because you're single doesn't mean you can't enjoy the perks of Valentine's Day. Schedule a spa treatment, go get a massage or buy yourself something you normally wouldn't. Use tomorrow as a chance to take care of yourself.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Jenny, are you there?

Someone called all of the 867-5309 with area codes to see what he'd get...

click here for the results

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


#1.) WHAT DOES YOUR COMPANY DO? Thanks to the Internet, you're now expected to research any company you're interviewing with BEFORE setting foot in the door. At the very least, you should know what the company does and who its competitors are.

#2.) ARE YOU GOING TO DO A BACKGROUND CHECK? Some people are just worried about credit issues, but asking if there will be a background check makes it look like you have something to hide. And let's be honest . . . if you're asking, you probably DO.

#3.) WHEN WILL I GET A RAISE? Employers won't hire you if they think you'll immediately start looking for a higher-paying job somewhere else. So wait until your second interview, and then ask if the company does a conventional one-year salary review.

#4.) ARE THERE ANY BETTER JOBS AVAILABLE? If you're overqualified, it's okay to talk about it. But don't take yourself out of the running for the job you applied for. Instead, explain that you made more at your last job, or that you had more responsibility.

--That's the cue for a good interviewer to highlight any other job openings that might exist.

#5.) HOW SOON CAN I TRANSFER TO ANOTHER POSITION? It's another way of saying the job's not quite what you want. If you want the job, take it. If it's not right, then look for another opportunity. Most employers wait at least a year before approving a transfer.

#6.) CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT THE BUS LINES TO YOUR OFFICE? Go online and research it for yourself. It's not your employer's responsibility to figure out how you get to work each day . . . and asking this question just makes you look stupid.

#7.) DO YOU ALLOW SMOKING BREAKS? A lot of companies don't permit smoking anywhere on the premises . . . and some don't like to hire smokers at all. So don't ask about it. You'll just end up giving them a reason to hire someone else.

#8.) IS MY MEDICAL CONDITION COVERED UNDER YOU INSURANCE? This is a bad question for two reasons . . .

--ONE: It's weird to tell a perfect stranger about your medical issues . . . especially someone who's thinking of hiring you . . .

--And TWO: They won't know. Any pre-existing conditions probably won't be covered for at least a year, so don't worry about it until they've offered you the job. Then just ask to see a copy of the company's benefits booklet.

#9.) WILL I HAVE TO TAKE A DRUG TEST? If you have a philosophical objection to drug tests, wait until they ask you to take one before bringing it up. Otherwise, it sounds like you think you'd fail a drug test if you had to take one. So don't ask.

#10.) IF YOU HIRE ME, CAN I START IN A MONTH? Most employers expect you to start in two weeks, and they might even ask you to start sooner. Regardless, a late start-date should be requested AFTER you've been offered the job, not during your interview.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Miley Cyrus doing the 'asian eye' thing

Oh, C'mon Miley! That ain't cool!... looks like the others are doing it as well... That's her 20 year old boyfriend she's sitting on the lap of, BTW

Simon Cowell as a 19 year old

Wanna see what Simon used to look like?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Rik's new favorite commercial

Fred Schneider of B-52's writing a childrens book

Yeah, the guy from B-52's is writing a children's book. The creepy title, so far, is "Pettting Zoo Horor." Here's a quick clip from it

"The day turned steel gray, and a chill descended upon Twinkletown Petting Zoo. Suddenly, all the children started screaming. Not their usual obnoxious screams, this was different and very ominous."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mimosa: The Official Color of 2009


A lot of people are ALREADY worried that they won't live up to their New Year's weight-loss resolutions. So if you want to get healthy in 2009 without losing hope, here are four little changes that will help you get there . . .

#1.) STOP SAYING YOU'RE "ON A DIET". Instead, think of it as eating in MODERATION. If you eat what you WANT . . . but just not as much of it . . . you're less likely to fall off the wagon and more likely to really lose weight.

#2.) DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER A DAY. When you feel like eating a bag of chips or a box of cookies, have a tall cold drink of water instead. Your brain actually sends the same signals for FOOD as it does when it wants water.

--Drinking eight glasses each day makes your skin more vibrant and helps you shed pounds. Plus, if you make water your drink of choice, you're less likely to consume all those empty calories found in soda and fruit juice.

#3.) CHANGE THE POTATOES YOU EAT. If you sub in sweet potatoes for the regular old white variety, you'll cut tons of sugar and starch out of your diet. Bake them, boil them, mash them or even make French fries. You'll still enjoy the health benefits.

#4.) CHANGE THE CLOTHES YOU WEAR. You won't realize you're gaining weight if your clothes ALWAYS fit, so stop buying those pants with elastic waistbands. Remember, you're not a kid, so don't buy clothes you'll eventually grow INTO.

--Instead, buy stuff that fits, and then be proud when you need to have it taken in.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Whether you have endless patience behind the wheel or often fly into a blind rage at other motorists, the way you drive is a window into your true personality and it began forming in childhood, years before you took the wheel. "We call the back seat of the car 'road rage nursery,'" says Dr. Leon James, a psychologist at the University of Hawaii. See what your driving style reveals about you:

You'd rather go under than over the speed limit, prefer side roads and never begin a trip without a planned route. - You're ambitious, practical and hardworking. The time and thought you take to plan a road trip reflects the dedication to detail you bring to work projects. You're also generous with your time and talents when it comes to family and friends, putting in that extra effort to make others happy.

You prefer public transportation or carpools to driving alone, and you plan errands carefully to save gas. - You're a dreamer who'd rather not be behind the wheel so you can relax and let your mind wander while you're on the way to your destination. When you must drive, you show your public spirit by carefully combining all your errands in one trip to save gas and help the environment.

You can drive in the tightest traffic jams without a care, love the fast lane and avoid accidents with superior reflexes. - You drive just like you think fast. You're also hyper-observant, reacting to things that most others don't even notice. That's why you can merge, change lanes and spot trouble way ahead of the rest of the pack. You find creative ways to solve problems while others are still idling.

Your driving record is A+ because you obey all traffic rules and always forgive the stupid mistakes of other motorists. - You're a sweet natured person who glides through life the way you glide through traffic. You see driving as a team effort, going with the flow to achieve the same goal. You also believe in giving everyone the respect they deserve, and you're warm generosity attracts scads of loyal friends.

WAYS TO DEAL WITH A NOISY OFFICE offers these tips to eliminate excess noise at work when you don't have an office door to close.

White Noise -- If colleague conversations and ringing phones have you reading the same sentence over and over, try purchasing a white noise CD to play in your computer.

Radio/CDs -- If your company allows it, download a media player onto your computer, bring in a small radio or listen to some of your favorite CDs.

Plants -- Plants are good at absorbing noise. Talk to your office manager about getting some greenery in the office to help take the edge off the hubbub -- and they look nice too!

Nonreflective Surfaces -- Make some noise of your own and consult the facilities manager about putting some noise absorption materials in your office, such as carpets, curtains, dividers or acoustic ceiling panels.

Confront the Culprit -- If it's just one person in the office who is making all the noise, talk to him or her and explain your situation. They may not even be aware of how loud they are.

Set Up a Noise-Free Zone -- Perhaps you and your colleagues can designate a particular conference room or area that can be used to escape the noise. It's always good to have a quiet place to consult with clients or interview candidates.

Noise-Canceling Products -- There are many products out there that can help with the vexing problem of noise pollution. From small, lightweight headsets to varying types of earplugs, these devices can be used to reduce annoying noise.

Move It and Lose It -- If an ill-placed copy machine is causing too much traffic, or an over-burdened fax machine rings constantly, check with office services about the possibility of relocating the noise-maker. If that won't work, see if you can relocate your work station further away from the machines.

Post a Sign -- Simple and friendly "quiet" signs in hallways and outside conference rooms will help remind co-workers to keep it down when leaving a meeting, heading down the hallway or grabbing a cup of coffee.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Soup reveils personality

French onion -- You have a daring, adventurous personality, and you're always ready for a challenge. Chances are you're attracted to men with similar tastes, and you can best bond with them by sharing some electrifying experiences.

Chicken noodle -- You're a warm-hearted, nurturing woman who places your sweetheart at the center of your world. Smart men are a real turn-on for you, and you show your love by thoroughly pampering your honey.

Vegetable -- You're a responsible person who looks for a man who's a true partner, sharing in all decisions. And if your sweetie gives you the high degree of devotion you crave, you'll shower him with affection in return.

Clam chowder -- You have a habit of falling in love with love, and your taste for novelty may keep you changing partners on a regular basis. Don't be so quick to rush from man to man because you could miss your soul mate in the shuffle.

Cream of Tomato -- You yearn for the good life, and an ambitious man with a lot on the ball is right down your alley. You're willing to work right alongside him to achieve the financial security you must have to be happy.

Baked potato -- You're a straight shooter who demands a matching honesty from your mate. Most importantly, if a man shares your strong sense of community and volunteerism, he's sure to win your heart.

and all the stuff we talked about

What do you want?